In the distant past, unwanted products from houses and business in London and other main cities were simply removed by any means wanted, even thrown out of the window. However nowadays, there is a far more structured form of rubbish removal and there are also private means. The main forms of rubbish produced in London can be identified into recyclable and non recyclable.
Recycling in London is different in the different boroughs of London with the local Councils overseeing the different Schemes. Usually these are conducted as road side recycling schemes with sites set up for recycling not possible by the kerb side. Often, it is important to separate the paper and cardboard from recyclable plastics and these from food and gardening waste although this is not always needed. Sometimes bins are provided and sometimes large plastic boxes are instead and the times that the recycling waste is collected differ. There are also companies which are able to remove all the properties recycling without the need for different bins. This may be especially useful in certain businesses where large amounts or recycling is produced, for example in an office, to be able to remove all recycling in an easier manner.
Non recycling waste is also normally removed from the roadside as well and deposited in one of the eighteen landfill sites that London uses. However, do not forget that in most places, recycling and non recycling are collected at different times. In most places, wheelie bins are used but in others, plastic bags are continued to be the main means. Also, in some places, even though wheelie bins are the norm, they may not be advised for use as the house may be set on a slope for example. In cases such as these it is recommended that black bags are used instead, or in the cases of flats, bulk waste containers are used. In some boroughs such as Croydon, the size of the waste bins differs according to how many people are present in the household.
Finally, as with recyclable waste, there are also private companies that are able to remove all your rubbish and will separate out any recyclable rubbish that may accidentally mixed. This will be especially useful in large businesses and after large functions in which a great deal of rubbish will be generated and be hard to remove.
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